Vision and Values

 Vision and Values at Stanton Road Primary School

Mission Statement

Stanton Road is an inclusive school community with each individual child at the heart of our ethos.  We want our children to be healthy, safe, and happy whilst they develop a love of learning, self-confidence and an understanding of the environment around them.  We have skilled and dedicated staff who deliver a range of high quality, rich and creative learning experiences.  We want our children to achieve their full potential and be successful in an ever-changing world.

Our Stanton ABC

Achieve All You Can

  • All our children will achieve their potential and be successful in an ever-changing world

 Believe In Yourself

  • All our children are happy, safe, healthy, confident and resilient learners

Care for Each Other and Our Community

  • We learn within a caring, inclusive school with each individual at the heart of what we do

Our School Aims

  • To be a happy harmonious community where good relationships are underpinned by mutual respect and kindness.

  • To promote British values and multicultural understanding.

  • To be an inclusive school and to establish practice that ensures, in all aspects of our work, that every pupil is given equality of opportunity, regardless of gender, special educational needs, disability or race.

  • To provide teaching and learning of the highest quality.

  • To treat pupils as individuals and to differentiate teaching and learning to take account of their individual and special educational needs.

  • To match teaching and learning to the appropriate stage of children’s physical, mental, social, spiritual, moral and cultural development needs.

  • To nurture children’s spiritual-moral and social development and help them grow in self-confidence and self-esteem.

  • To ensure that all pupils benefit from a rich, broad, balanced curriculum presented in an interesting, exciting and imaginative manner with many opportunities for first-hand experience, practical work, investigation, enterprise and learning through play.

  • To enliven and enrich the curriculum by visits, visitors, and extensive use of the environment.

  • To promote and achieve high standards and high expectations.

  • To provide high-quality technology experiences in order to prepare and equip them for the world around them.

  • To treat all fairly and listen to others sympathetically and attentively.

  • To expect and maintain high standards of behaviour, courtesy and politeness at all levels so that all are treated well.

  • To work with parents and the wider community to support individual children and children as one within the school.