at Stanton Road Primary School

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Information

Children experiencing learning difficulties or displaying other special needs are helped by the production of individual programmes of work and close involvement of support agencies.  Stanton Road has its own Special Educational Needs Policy which is in line with the updated Special Educational Needs Code of Practice which came into operation nationally in 2014 and has been written following consultation with teaching staff, governors and Wirral Local Authority.

Early identification is essential so children can receive the maximum support possible.  Where children have particular learning difficulties, with reading, writing or mathematics in particular, their needs are identified and met through close liaison between teaching staff and the SENDCO (Special Education Needs Coordinator).  All children have equal access to a balanced and broadly based curriculum.  For children with SEND it will be necessary to differentiate work to enable them to work at an appropriate level.

Children with SEND will be able to take part in all school activities unless their participation would adversely affect the health and safety of either themselves or others.

The vast majority of the time children with SEN work alongside their peers in the regular classroom situation.  However, at times, individual/small group support may be provided in a situation within the school but outside the classroom by one of several support assistants.  Staff receive the appropriate training in providing for children with special needs both in the form of in-house advice from the coordinator and by attendance on appropriate courses, run by the LA.

The referral procedure that exists for pupils with SEND ensures that a child's progress is regularly reviewed and that advice is sought from other agencies, e.g. Medical, Vision Support, Educational Psychology, Social and Learning Support Services.  Parents are consulted throughout this process and advised of findings and how best they can support the work of the school.

Our dedicated SENDCO is Mrs Johnson. She is responsible for the Special Needs provision in school. Her role is to coordinate the day to day provision for pupils with special needs, liaise with governors, outside agencies and parents in order to identify, assess and make provision for the individual needs of each child.

Mrs Johnson can be contacted via the school office.

Tel 0151 334 1398

Our Send Governor is Mrs Stephanie Williams and she can be contacted, by email, via the school office.