School Uniform

School Uniform
at Stanton Road Primary School

 We request that all children wear school uniform, as it gives children a sense of belonging and pride in our school.  Our uniform consists of;

Maroon sweatshirt with our school logo

Grey pullover or cardigan

Grey trousers long or short

Grey skirt

White polo shirts with school logo or plain white shirts

Grey or white socks or tights

Sensible and appropriate shoes, (not trainers or high heeled shoes)

During the summer months, pupils may wear a maroon gingham or striped dress.  A summer hat or cap is also necessary for sun protection.

All children should be provided with their own water bottle which should be labelled with their name and class.

Physical Education is a compulsory subject of the National Curriculum, and a note is required from home if a child has an injury. Our PE kit consists of:

Yellow polo shirt or top

Black shorts

Pumps are required

Trainers (for outdoor sports)

Black sweatshirt with school logo

Black tracksuit bottoms

Socks (if wearing tights)

In the interests of safety, children must NOT bring large holdalls to school.  Please check your child’s pumps each half term to check they still fit.  In the interests of safety for all children, jewellery should NOT be worn for school.  If you do wish your child to wear small stud earrings for school these must be removed or covered for PE.  Hairbands and bobbles must be in keeping with the school uniform.  If a watch is worn, it is at the child’s own risk and must be removed for PE. 

 ALL items of clothing and belongings should be clearly labelled

 including shoes, coats and lunch boxes.