Curriculum Enrichment

At Stanton Road, we believe that enrichment activities play a crucial part in enhancing the experiences of our children and in building their capacity as learners. These activities can support children to gain confidence, develop communication skills and explore their interests through new opportunities.

Music Tuition

We recognise the importance of providing the opportunity for our pupils to learn a musical instrument. Children throughout Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to learn an instrument and develop their ability to read music through Edsential Music Education Services. At Stanton Road, we currently offer Clarinet, Flute, Saxophone, Guitar, Ukulele, Violin and Viola lessons. These lessons can either be a 20-minute individual lesson or a group lesson (minimum of two pupils).  Please follow the link ‘Choosing an Instrument’, which can be used to help a child choose which instrument they would like to play. Once you have selected an instrument, please use ‘Edsential Booking Information’ to sign up and pay for lessons.

Clubs/Extra Curricular

We offer a wide range of lunchtime and after school clubs to engage our children beyond the school day. Children can opt to participate in activities such as Football Club, Cross Country, Mindfulness Club, Choir, Recorder Club and Gardening Club. Clubs are either run by teaching staff or by qualified external coaches. As well as being fun these clubs provide challenge and allow children to make new friends. When a club is oversubscribed, Pupil Premium children will be offered places first.

Wider Curriculum - Visits and Visitors

Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for their future success. At  Stanton Road we provide educational visits over the year for each class. This includes visits to galleries, museums, places of worship and theatres, as well residential trips for children in year 6 and year 4 and an outdoor resilience day for children in year 2. We also invite visitors into school to enhance learning and provide experiences for our children. Our educational visits and visitors link closely to learning in the classroom and add another dimension by bringing units of learning to life and adding hands-on and experiential opportunities.