Teacher Support

Teacher Support
at Stanton Primary School

For many years there has been much discussion in the media and at teaching union conferences about teacher workload.

Of course, every job, by its very nature, has ‘workload’.  We all have job descriptions setting high standards and that is what employees are paid for.

At Stanton Road, we regularly review teacher workload in order to ensure that it is reasonable. We do this as a part of our scheduled monitoring programme and in discussion with staff.

Here are some of the things that we do in our school in order to help staff to manage their workload well:

  • Teachers are not required to run any after school clubs so that they have plenty of time for assessment and planning from 3.30 pm onwards

  • Teachers do not supervise children at lunchtimes, allowing time for a proper break and time to prepare for the next set of lessons

  • Planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) time is available to teachers in a ‘block’ of time where possible

  • Meetings are punctual, have a specific objective and are fit for purpose

  • There are two parents’ evenings over the year.  In 2022-2023, these will be held virtually in the Autumn Term and Spring Term . These are held over two evenings and not late into the evening to ensure staff are ready to teach the following day.

  • Formats for reports to parents on pupil progress have been refined so that they are fit for purpose and not onerous for staff to complete.