Personal, Social, Health, Economic and Relationships Education

"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Our PSHE curriculum is a key element of learning at Stanton Road, alongside our focus on positive physical, emotional and mental health and well-being, right from F2, when meeting Early learning goals. PSHE is recognised as a key subject area and is a high priority across whole-school initiatives, including My Happy Mind and our curriculum design has our children’s health, well-being and personal development at its heart.

PSHE helps children to put in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, both on and offline. This sits alongside the essential understanding of how to be healthy emotionally, physically and mentally. Teaching about mental wellbeing is central to ensuring that pupils are well prepared for the challenges which lay ahead in their lives. PSHE teaching equips our pupils with the knowledge and capability to take care of themselves, keep safe from harm and to know how to get support if problems arise. The wider aim of this subject is to help foster pupil wellbeing and develop resilience and virtues that are fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and productive members of our community and wider society.

Our curriculum has been designed to meet the 2020 DfE statutory requirements for Relationship Education, Sex Education and Health Education. It also fulfils and goes beyond the National Curriculum requirement to teach PSHE. It is built around progressive units of work from the RSE Statutory guidance, non-statutory sex education guidance and PSHE Association Programme of Study.

Our PSHE curriculum is catagorised into five key areas:

  • Family and Relationships

  • Health and Wellbeing

  • Safety and the changing body

  • Citizenship

  • Economic Wellbeing

An additional focus in Year 6 is Identity.

Our curriculum has the potential to have a profound and long lasting impact on the future lives of our children. The skills taught and practised aim to provide the foundation for a lifetime of positive relationships, physical and emotional wellbeing and the ability to play a key role as an effective member of our community and citizen in the wider world. We strive for our pupils to get along together in our classrooms and playgrounds, manage disputes and care for themselves and others. We ensure our children understand positive relationships and in their understanding of how we, at Stanton Road, help to keep them safe.

Curriculum Champions

Our curriculum champions will conduct deep dives, which include lesson drop ins, pupil panels and book looks to measure the impact of our teaching, by assessing whether our children know more and can remember more.

Relationships and Sex Education

The document below explains the teaching Relationship and Sex Education (RSE). It is a guide to help parents understand our RSE scheme.

The document outlines:

How our scheme is structured

The statutory requirements for each year group

How RSE is taught in lessons

Approaches to puberty and human reproduction

Updates on addressing sexual harassment

Tips for parents to support their child at home