Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development

At Stanton Road, SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural) is 'at the heart' of school development. Therefore, as a school we want everyone to consider the kind of people we aspire to be, the kind of world we aspire to create and the kind of education we aspire to provide.

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development is promoted through all the subjects of the curriculum, through the ethos of the school and through the development of positive attitudes and values and planned time for reflection. SMSC supports, expresses and reinforces our school values, valuing all children and staff equally, and as individuals. 

Spiritual Opportunities include:

  • A range of faiths are taught throughout the R.E curriculum.

  • Visits from representatives from other faiths.

  • Visits to faith centres

Moral Opportunities include:

  • Voting for school parliament representatives

  • Our School Values 

Social Opportunities include:

  • Consistent implementation of behaviour routines

  • Whole school ‘House’ Teams - children belong and work together with their school team in different contexts

  • Lunch time sports activities 

Cultural Opportunities include:

  • Other faiths' awareness/celebration days

  • Sports opportunities, art and music clubs

  • Teams meetings and assemblies provide opportunities to recognise and value the things we share in common 

  • Opportunities to participate in and respond to artistic, musical and sporting opportunities - these include performing at local venues, visits to art galleries and watching musical performances